when I made this I started by skimming the page for prime words that some what told a story and circled them then I used a color pencil and shaded out the background words. next I layered various papers behind the page to help strength it. A fabric background was created. Lastly I stitched on the page with my sewing machine to block out more of the text to better highlight the poem.

If you want to try you hand at this approach these ideas may help you make your own found poem's: here , here, and here.

This is just so beautiful Ruth. The poem, the scratch-covered words, the layering, and the stitching. Must be even more special in person.
Ruth, you inspired me to give it a little try and it is VERY fun. Thanks for the inspiration! Mary
What a wonderful idea. I'm going to try this!
As usual, Ruth, you continue to be one of the most fascinating people I know. Love this piece...
Thank you times 3!
Really interesting concept. Love it!
Gosh, I just LOVE your work! So innovative...so creative...so fabulous!
we are to love...beautiful piece love the side stitching.
Truly creative, truly wonderful!
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