“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most.

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us.

And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
~ Marianne Williamson

"Aubergines Joy"
This diminutive beauty has been sitting every so patiently on my cutting table
for just about two weeks because I was sick.
Nevertheless yesterday she made her debut into this world. I had every intention of putting her up for sale, however my mother was smitten with little Aubergine... and how could I say no? For everything I am is because of my mother ~

multimedia art dress measures 18 by 14 inches.
slide show and more details can be viewed here
I will be teaching a workshop on how to make these dress at artfiberfest

I really can see here how fun you have had!And of course it is a good idea for a gift to your mother! I newer doing cloths anymore, but when I was 10 year my mother teach me to do. And I use to sewn my own clothes for many many years. And even if I dont do it anymore, it´s something with all kind of dressmaking who I love; dressforms, sewingpatterns and so on! So maybe it´s a good idea to just do an installation!
That is so awesome! You must be blessed with a mother like mine. I am who I am because of my mom.
Glad you are feelin better.
Have a blessed day!
((SIGH)) what unbelievable loveliness. I an see why your mom wanted it.
Stunning. The color is wonderful. My mother passed onto me her passion for fabric and texture.
Love this piece. I'm going back to look and drool over it more
I know. When my mother loves something, of course she should have it.
Thank you so much for the words from Nelson Mandela. Do you have the words in mind when you start a piece, or does the choice evolve as you make it, or even as you start to write about it?
ohhhhhhh, ruth. this takes my breath away!!!! hope you are feeling better; there must be something in the air, i've not been myself this week at all.
your work is absolutely stunning...x
Dare I say it is handsome? I love the collar. Can't wait to see you bring your talent to teaching in Italy!! Bill Steiner
Ruthy, now u know i like that colour - another stunner!
Such gorgeous work - exquisite details. I've scheduled a link to this post to go live on my blog tomorrow morning. I hope it brings you a few new fans.
Please feel free to use our button, if you like, to let folks know we're talking about you on CraftGossip: http://craftgossip.com/link-to-us/
All best,
Just beautiful! And I've always loved that quote. So true.
Love the Marrianne Williamson quote (Nelson quoted HER). How lovely that the piece moved your mother and you will be gifting her with it. Will you make another?
Aubergine is just beautiful!
thank you all for the kind words, I'm happy with how she turned out
Kristen, you always have a way of making my work seam a little deeper then it really is! the words where found as I wrote this post, however they spoke to me in a artistic way as I am always pushing my self for more good more beauty more love.
Bill,yes you may call her handsome!(I love that word when used to describe a female object!)I think its the earthiness of this pieces that make you fell that way.
Mary, thanks for the information on who the quoit was from. I made the correction on the post. Will I make another dress like this one? Maybe... lets just keep our fingers crossed that I can come up with the same dye bath.
Miss Ruth .. . love this aubergine moment, it's just the perfect softened hue. Also, really love that you used one of my favorite Marianne quotes.
Hope that shower (for 100??!) went well - Jjjjj
Enjoyed reading your post, loved your use of quotes. They were exactly what I needed to hear at the moment. Your design is stunning, I too love the richness of that color, keep up the wonderful designs.
It's beautiful!! I would have treated my mom too! What a thrill it is to have her love it so much!
It's beautiful. I signed up for this class at AFF. I can't wait.
These are truly the most amazing colours, textures and ideas! So RICH! I love your finished piece so much
Have a happy day
Carolyn :o)
This is a stunning and beautiful piece. I wish I could see it in real life because I know the detail is intricate and a beauty within itself. The color is just perfect. It is so fitting you would give this to you mom because this piece reminds me of a the reflections of youth and the potential to grow into the beautiful soul that you have in your lifetime. Bravo!
Your art is wonderful and inspiring...And I love that particular quote by Marianne...it is that quote that started me on my spiritual journey..Here's one of my other favorites...“We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present.”
namaste, julie
This is darling, Ruth! Your gift for fabric art continues to delight us all!
oh, ruth, this is wonderful -- I'm so glad that you have given it to your mother! oh, i wish that I could go to artfiberfest........maybe next year,,,,,
Oh Ruth, this is just beautiful, amazing piece of work. Your heart and work continue to amaze me.
These are so amazing Ruth! Why can't your ability rub off on us? :) Thanks so much for another great post.
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