when I have a million other things I need to do, I like to make atc's...
its has turned into a addiction !
I went to a local ATC trade this afternoon, it was fun ... its always so interesting to see the person and what card they pick out... some people just grab one and do not even peek into the pile where others like to look at each one... I like to look at each one to admire other peoples creativity.
I took 20 cards in all to the trade if you click on the pitcher it will take you to the set.
I also opened a etsy shop today (the link is on my side bar)... it was one of my goals for this year, I have 5 fabric pieces in there now, but I will also add some jewelry as well over the next few day :)

Love the cards Ruth. I love the way you combine and stitch fabric with paper. They're real treats.
ruth, i couldn't see/get the link to your itsy shop. there is nothing after "you can buy my fabric art here:" love your work!!! patti bradley
The ATC's are looking lovely, the choice of colour, the combination of materials....WOW You must have made somebody very happy with this trade.
I can't get your Etsy link to work either, Ruth! I look forward to seeing what you have in your shop!
Beth M :)
P.S. See you on May 5th at the Art Bar!
as usual...more gorgeous work. i'm so impressed you can make these so relatively quickly.
and darn about Etsy!! i just notice your new link yesterday and was wondering what was up! good luck with the new shop! :)
Etsy let me in Ruth -- They look great!
And I love your ATCs -- especially Song 89. When I go to my live trades, we make one for each person who is supposed to be there (about 15) then each person talks about how they make them, and their pile is passed around for a leisurely choice. VEry civilized. But I don't like making 15. I'm a 3 ATC kind of girl....
go ruth go! the atcs, the fabric charms, and Now an etsy store! woo-hoo! you are on a mission to conquer the world...or at least claremont! i hope you sell lots in your store. the atcs and charms are brilliant and beautiful!!
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