I am late at picking the winner, I had a some art deadlines and I could not find the time to read all of the great responses to My question:
it was really hard to pick the once answer that really spoke to my heart.
However it was Marilyn's words that truly resonated with me.
I will be very honest in saying I am very frustrated with that question.
I know i love to and do pore through blogs, zines, and books for inspiration.
Yet, over the years I've observed how "real" artists(by my definition), go a step further. They are very in touch with nature.They choose a more organic approach to inspiration, rather than just another person's idea.
I long for that.
This isn't to say artists can't be inspired by one another's work. Not at all. (It's like bouncing ideas off of one another, similar to brainstorming.)
Or taking a similar idea and then adding your own twist.
But, when i do this I just feel, it's not mine.
And i think artists(again by my definition), truly long for an individual voice.
That may be what sets artists apart from "creative" people.
Maybe i am only a "creative" person, but my desire is to be an artist. To seek inspiration from my memories, the truths i have learned and continue to learn, and the creation that lies all about us.
To really push myself beyond just admiring someone else's art.
How do i get there? i am not sure.
I have a lot of alone time, now that my kids are all in school. But, i find i am lonely rather than liberated.
An artist would probably give his/her right arm to have the solitude i have.
Maybe what i need the most is others around me. I thrive among people.
In closing(wheww, that was long!), a new friend is headed my way this week to learn a bit about jewelry making, etc. This could be the answer to that question. Another artist/creative person alongside me. I am looking forward to her visit. And i pray that God has great things in store for both of us, both artistically and spiritually.
sincerely, marilyn"
as I looked over all of your answers many of needed more time, or a supportive group of like minded souls, courage to let go so you could create more freely and some just stumped by the word artist (keep in my this is just a word!) and how to find your own creative voice.
we all have questions about the things we want to accomplish and the only advice that I can give you is that you must allow your self to be who ever it is that you need to be, don't second guess your self.
you don't questing breathing so why question your art?
I create for one reason and one reason alone: because I have to...
if I were in complete isolation with no one around me I would still make things... its who I am, its what I do...
cooking, cleaning, sitting in a chair can all be viewed as creative,
living an artful life is after all a bi-product of who we are...
you don't questing breathing so why question your art?
I create for one reason and one reason alone: because I have to...
if I were in complete isolation with no one around me I would still make things... its who I am, its what I do...
cooking, cleaning, sitting in a chair can all be viewed as creative,
living an artful life is after all a bi-product of who we are...
each of us has a unique identity that is truly our own and we must respect and nurture ourselves to live in the moment and enjoy what ever gift or gifts that we have and bask in the glory of our own goodness.
I look at art as nature they both are ever changing and growing, we are all of nature so its only fitting that we change and grow.
and when ever I am a little unsure I take a deep breath and remind mind myself to be.
Congratulations Marilyn!
you will be receiving a copy of Liz Lamoreux new book;
Inner Excavation from Liz.
and this poetry scarf from me that I made to use for this post.Thank you all that took the time to answer my question I hope it helped you see a few things that you need to do or let go of to grow!

Just beautiful Ruth! You rock!
Merry Christmas!!
Lovely Post - Thank You - LOVE THE SCARF - x
Congratulations to Marilyn...a wonderful book and beautiful scarf!
I just bought your Hope angel today here in a store in St. Paul, MN. My husband was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and "Hope" is my word for the year. It really said what I wanted to say to myself.
Thanks for creating her!
What a beautiful post, so inspiring and true! It really takes a lot of courage to grow, how hard but true! I wish you much love and succes for this new year, you have inspired me a lot since I found you!
Cheers! Moni.
God bless you, Ruth.
Your gentle and generous spirit amazes me.
It couldn't have come at a better time in my life.
love you, marilyn
It's amazing how I have been struggling with redefining myself as an artist, and finding my own voice. Now, I stumble upon THIS post, which is exactly what I need to hear and process at this time.
Thank you!
I'll be following your blog ;)
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