Friday, March 20, 2009

Life in the studio...

she dreams in color she dreams in red.

I fear that I have become the wondering crafter...
my body is restless and I can not seam to sit down long enough to complete any one thing.
but some how I have started a lot of different projects:

befor they get some color

Here is a pile of laces before I use


some dyes


and here is this lovely fabric and lace rainbow for me to play with....

freshly dyed

I have many ideas but my ability to focus on any one thing has taken a toll
on my work progress. and here is the proof:

poetry scarves

stacked on my mannequin you will find uncompleted poetry scarves
(a good idea, but what more do they need?)

poetry dress in the working stage

and this small wee dress on it stand in the need of completion.

working out details

and this little bit that wants to become more is just waiting to be stitched to perfection.

poetry heart in the making.

and lastly a poetry heart in the need of some stuffing...

so for you all you out there felling a little out of sorts,
I am right there with you!

Some times we are devil's
to ourselves when we will tempt our power.
~William Shakespeare

(true words of wisdom!)



Maija said...

You are so flipping talented in a way that is so unique to you I could just cry!
Beautiful, Ruth! You put so much thought into everything you touch!

Flor Larios Art said...

I love the dress...super cool!

nina said...

ruth, it is such a pleasure to see your work - your breathtaking work - in progress. the scarves, the little dress (sigh), everything you touch turns to beauty. looking forward to seeing you soon - nina

Anonymous said...

Your work in progress is beautiful!

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

I think Spring Fever has something to do with it. I seem to not be able to focus on finishing much either, its everywhere. I am hoping that the time we spend at Artfest will help us to recharge our batteries and ground our muses.
I look forward to seeing you!!

Pilar said...

I can empathize with your wanderlust. So many things to so and so little time! Your poetry scarves are to die for! We will have to do a poetry scarf exchange soon. : D I love the colors you conjured up too. xoxoxoox

Anonymous said...

well- here's a little idea- why not have a contest(?) or something where you send out a scarf or two, or a little dress, and then the receiver embellishes and sends back to you? It would be FUN on both ends, AND get some projects done, right?

Tangled Stitch said...

Wonderful to see your work! Hope you come back into sorts soon! said...

Aren't dyes magical? such wonderful transformations come from them.

Leslie said...

Everything is so beautiful here, Ruth. But, I know how you feel. I think I have AADD (Art Attention Deficit Disorder) because I can't seem to pick a medium.

Jill said...

Out of sorts without a focus I UNDERSTAND-and feel terrible that I take comfort that others feel the same way sometimes--I will pray for focus for you too!