Obtaining personal, spiritual or artist growth is not always an easy road. We know its necessary to grow but oftentimes we need encouragement to find the courage to take the steeps that lead to change.
(this dress is for sale here)
I am part of a delightful 12 days of Christmas swap organized by Deryn Mentock. Over the last 9 days I have been treated to a vast array of stunning ornaments created by 12 stunning artists.
you can see all the wounderment over at
Kelly, Joanna, Maija,Pilar, Danita and Deryn's blogs as they have been posting as they have opened there gifts.
Each of us had to create 12 ornaments and were assigned a day that we marked on our warped gift. then mail them off to the girls in the swap. we started to open our gifts on December first.
I had a few ideas in my head as to what I would create but in the end these little angel dresses won out. I wanted the dress's to share words of encouragement as they made there way around the united states, so I chose to use the words "grace to grow" The words on the dress's have been stitched on with free motion sewing onto each of the 12 dress.
wings were constructed out of layers of organza, hymnal paper, muslin and lace, alongside machine stitching to emulate feathers, were created and carved out of the layers.

The little “art dress” made out of muslin that I hand dyed was machine stitched together with decorative strings left hanging all about. the heart is heat altered felt, hand sewn to the dress.

The wings were then attached with a small mother of pearl button onto the back side of the dress.
Tiny hangers were made out of steel wire.
Then each dress was hung and here you have eleven completed dress's all in a row!
I was quite please with my self when I came up with the garment bags that I made for them to travel in!
each had the receivers name written below the heart.
And on the back I wrote the words that are sewn on to the dress, along with my day to open gift: Day 10

And on the reverse of the dress it reads:

"Thy gift is joy"
because joy is after all the gift we receive once we have taken the steps to grow!

I am part of a delightful 12 days of Christmas swap organized by Deryn Mentock. Over the last 9 days I have been treated to a vast array of stunning ornaments created by 12 stunning artists.
you can see all the wounderment over at
Kelly, Joanna, Maija,Pilar, Danita and Deryn's blogs as they have been posting as they have opened there gifts.
Each of us had to create 12 ornaments and were assigned a day that we marked on our warped gift. then mail them off to the girls in the swap. we started to open our gifts on December first.

The little “art dress” made out of muslin that I hand dyed was machine stitched together with decorative strings left hanging all about. the heart is heat altered felt, hand sewn to the dress.

The wings were then attached with a small mother of pearl button onto the back side of the dress.

each had the receivers name written below the heart.

And on the reverse of the dress it reads:

"Thy gift is joy"
because joy is after all the gift we receive once we have taken the steps to grow!

Miss Ruth ... you've done it again!
Such incredible magic.... . love every little detail.
Miss Jjjj / Judith
Yes, I can only agree with Judith, these are so beutiful !!!
oh, Ruth, unbelievable!!
The garment bags are charming! < 3
Oh what a fun swap that must be! By the way, I posted a review of your terrific book on my Jewelry blog awhile back...those must have been fun swaps too :-)
Beautiful project and wonderful pictures and details! Very inspiring and the garment bags are GENIUS!!
Happy Holidays!
Wow! That is fantastic. The dresses are adorable, but the little covers are truely amazing.
Love your blog.
Thanks for the inspiration.
What a lovely gift! And the swap just sounds wonderful :D Thank you for sharing your talent!
I saw these on Danita's site and they are fantastic. So many possibilities to explore with the dress idea...lovely!I love the idea of the garment bags..beautiful works of art:)
Gosh Ruth, what a beautiful post from start to finish, I just love these!!
Ruth, you really outdid yourself this year! I was amazed at the detail, thought, and energy you put into each of these little garment blessings. I am blown away you made those little hangers as well! I love, love, love, my little dress ornie and I plan to keep her and her garment bag in my office after the holidays. Thank you!xoxoxoxoxo
the bags are the cherry on the top!
They are wonderful Ruth. I love the little hangers and all the strings. Very yummy indeed!
Oh my goodness-these are perfect-PERFECT- I can't remember how I came across your site but I had it bookmarked. So glad I came back to it. AND your name is Ruth-my middle name is Ruth.
I find myself smiling all the way through your blog!
Ruth...LOVE the little dresses with wings! and the garment bag! just too wonderful! You are amazing!
these are adorable
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